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Medicare Advantage Card

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Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage programs reward you for doing the right thing regarding your health care. They also reward your doctor for supporting you in achieving your goals.

With Coupet Quality Clinic’s Medicare Advantage program, Dr. Coupet works alongside you to help you achieve great health and live a quality lifestyle.

What Is
Medicare Advantage?

Medicare Advantage is a type of health insurance plan. Private health insurance companies offer Medicare Advantage programs as alternatives to traditional Medicare (Parts A and B). These companies have contracts with Medicare, which is how they can offer Medicare Advantage.

What You Should Know About Medicare Advantage Plans

What To Watch Out For

When selecting a Medicare Advantage program, first speak to your doctor to ensure he or she is covered under the plan you are considering.
Watch out for gimmicks–incentives like free food, gifts, or even $50–that are used to get people to sign up for a plan. Speak to your doctors before making a decision!
Does Coupet Quality Clinic Accept Medicare Advantage Programs?
Yes. We accept United Healthcare, Preferred Care Partners, Preferred Care Network, and Simply Healthcare.

Call (786) 207-4788 to learn more, or click the button below to make an appointment.

Call (786) 207-4788 to learn more, or click the button below to make an appointment.

Medicare Advantage Programs

Medicare Advantage Plans offer a wealth of advantages, such as enhanced healthcare services, prescription drug coverage, and potential cost savings. With our help, you can explore the flexibility and tailored options these programs provide.

Choose Your Medicare Advantage Plan Wisely

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